Science and Engineering

Key information

  • This is a 1.5 or 2-semester programme that will be tailored to prepare you for your chosen undergraduate degree at Sheffield. Programmes have been developed in collaboration with the University so modules are relevant to your field of study. You will develop the academic and English language skills needed for undergraduate study. Some modules will be compulsory for progression on to specific degree programmes at the University.
  • The University's Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering are some of the biggest and best providers of engineering research and education in the UK.
  • There are more than 100 science and engineering related progression degrees at the University of Sheffield.
  • Join a whole range of related societies and clubs - from Women in Computer Science Society to the Engineering Society.

English language entry requirements

IELTS: 5.0; 5.0 W, 4.0 RLS

Academic requirements

GPA: 3.0; 3.0 Mathematics A or 3.0 Mathematics II




January, September

BEng Aerospace Engineering

MEng Aerospace Engineering

BEng Aerospace Engineering with Private Pilot Instruction

MEng Aerospace Engineering with Private Pilot Instruction

MEng Architectural Engineering

BSc (Hons) Biochemistry

BSc (Hons) Bio-dental Science and Technology

BEng Bioengineering

MEng Bioengineering

BSc Biological Sciences

MBiolSci Biological Sciences

BSc Biomedical Science

MBiolSci Biomedical Science

BEng Chemical Engineering

MEng Chemical Engineering

BSc Chemistry

MChem Chemistry

BSc (Hons) Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry

MChem Chemistry with Biological and Medicinal Chemistry

MEng Civil and Structural Engineering

BEng Civil Engineering

MEng Civil Engineering

BEng Computer Systems Engineering

MEng Computer Systems Engineering

BSc Ecology and Conservation Biology

MBiolSci Ecology and Conservation Biology

BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering

MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering

BEng Electrical Engineering

BEng Electronic Engineering

BEng Electronics and Computer Engineering

MEng Electronics and Computer Engineering

BSc Environmental Science

MEnv Environmental Science

BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics

BEng (Hons) General Engineering

MEng General Engineering

BSc (Hons) Geography

BEng Materials Science and Engineering

MEng Materials Science and Engineering

BSc Mathematics

MMath Mathematics

BSc (Hons) Mathematics & Philosophy

BSc Mathematics and Statistics

MMath Mathematics and Statistics

BEng Mechanical Engineering

MEng Mechanical Engineering

BEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering

MEng Mechatronic and Robotic Engineering

BMedSci (Hons) Orthoptics

BSc (Hons) Physics

MPhys Physics

BSc Physics and Astrophysics

MPhys Physics and Astrophysics

BSc Physics with Medical Physics

MPhys Physics with Medical Physics

BSc (Hons) Psychology

MEng Structural Engineering & Architecture

BSc Theoretical Physics

MPhys Theoretical Physics

BSc Zoology

MBiolSci Zoology